Project presentation image

Desjardins Hologram


Surprise visitors with holographic visual effects


  • Year :2016
  • Brand :Desjardins
  • Agency : Bob
  • Location :


The story behind

Timecode Lab added a touch of magic to the launch of the new Desjardins Mastercard with the holocode, a portable structure that creates stunning hologram effects. By approaching the structure, visitors could observe a magician's gloves floating in space, making objects appear and disappear, such as the new Mastercard by Desjardins.


What we used

The contemplative installation used an optical effect to create a hologram effect, thus surprising passers-by with this new magic trick. We designed the Holocode structure along with creating visual hologram content and succeeded in creating a memorable experience for the launch of the new Desjardins Mastercard credit card..

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  • After Effect

    We used Adobe After Effect for all post-production work on animations and hologram visual effects.

  • SketchUp

    We used SketchUp for 3D modeling and architectural improvements of Holocode structure.